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Does this wolf want to play—or attack? Take a close look at its face

Your Face's Heat Patterns Could Reveal Vital Clues About Your Health

Learning to act in the face of uncertainty - EurekAlert

The temperature of your face could help diagnose medical conditions

The Face on Mars and Other Cases of Cosmic Pareidolia

Empathetic children may have poorer health in the face of interparental conflict

Human activity: A double-edged sword in the face of drought

Human activity: A double-edged sword in the face of drought - EurekAlert

Pie in the face? Why inflicting mild pain on others pays off

Top IT industry managers are divided on the need for face-to-face communication in the workplace

Hubble Looks at Face-On Barred Spiral Galaxy

Ecuador Is Literally Powerless in the Face of Drought

Study Reveals Stress May Make Us More Altruistic in the Face of Injustice

Norwegian Archaeologists Unveil Face of Stone Age Hitra Man

Your Face May Have Been Shaped by Pressure in The Womb, Study Finds

This orangutan used a medicinal plant on his face wound

Face of 75,000-year-old Neanderthal woman revealed

Meet Shanidar Z: 75,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Woman's Face Reconstructed

Revealed: face of 75,000-year-old female Nean - EurekAlert

Revealed: face of 75,000-year-old female Nean - EurekAlert