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Massive Genetic Study Uncovers 95 Regions of the Genome Linked to PTSD

Treating chronic pain with ultrasound – The device at the center of these human clinical trials, called Diadem, promises to change how certain neurological disorders are treated. Resembling a pair of oversized headphones, it stimulates regions of the deep brain underlying chronic pain and depression

Scientists uncover 95 regions of the genome linked to PTSD

Boreal forest and tundra regions worst hit over next 500 years of climate change, study shows

Regular Exercise Is Linked to Larger Brain Volume in Memory And Learning Regions

Two regions of the brain critical to integrating semantic information while reading

Climate network analysis helps pinpoint regions at higher risk of extreme weather

The entire brain may be involved in language, not just a few regions

Amazonian Alarm: Key Rainforest Regions Face “Savannization”