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Pressure to be 'perfect' causing burnout for parents, mental health concerns for their children

Study: Pressure to be “perfect” causing burnout for parents, mental health concerns for their children - EurekAlert

Pressure in the womb may influence facial development

Family and media pressure to lose weight in adolescence linked to how people value themselves almost two decades later

Ozempic maker Novo Nordisk facing pressure as study finds $1,000 appetite suppressant can be made for just $5

Hubble Views a Galaxy Under Pressure

Pressure grows to ditch controversial forced swim test in rodent studies of depression

Hubble Views a Galaxy Under Pressure

New water batteries stay cool under pressure

Under pressure -- space exploration in our time

Hypertension's hidden hand: Pressure-driven foam cell formation revealed as key driver of arterial disease

Space race puts pressure on New Zealand Defence Force.

Atoms Under Pressure: The Dawn of Ultra-Efficient Computing Memory

U.K. funding agency suspends diversity panel following pressure from science minister

High blood pressure while lying down linked to higher risk of heart health complications

Cold weather may pose challenges to treating high blood pressure

Pressure in the biliary system leads to tissue changes in the liver