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Is there life out there? The existence of other technological species is highly likely

Water May Have Come Into Existence Far Earlier Than We Ever Realized

Physicists Confirm The Existence of a Third Form of Magnetism

Is there a fundamental logic to life? Is it possible to predict what life would be like on other planets based on what we know about Earth? Scientists have explored this and, after analyzing several studies, have concluded that fundamental limits prevent the existence of certain forms of life.

Scientists Just Measured an Atom on the Brink of Existence

Do Crustaceans Feel Pain? Study Demonstrates Existence of Nociceptive Responses in Shore Crabs

'Scission neutron' existence confirmed in nuclear fission simulation

Chemists Demonstrate Existence of Sulfurous Acid in Gas Phase under Atmospheric Conditions

Radical Theory Suggests Earthquakes Spark Gold Nuggets Into Existence

Wood charcoal reveals the existence of a vari - EurekAlert

The Taxidermy Bat Market Is Compounding Threats to a Species’ Existence

Existence of lunar lava tube cave demonstrated - EurekAlert

AI Super-Human Eye Brings Scientists One Step Closer to Understanding the Most Complicated and Mysterious Dimension of Our Existence

Astronomers Reveal Stunning Image of Baby Star Coming Into Existence

Dyson spheres: Astronomers report potential candidates for alien structures, and evidence against their existence

Mysterious Pink Sand Deposits in Australia Reveal Existence of Previously Unknown Ancient Mountains

Revolutionary Discovery: Scientists Prove Existence of New Type of Magnetism

Scientists on the hunt for evidence of quantum gravity's existence at the South Pole

No evidence that U.S. covered up existence of UFOs, Pentagon report says

New Fundamental Physics Uncovered – Experiments Prove the Existence of a New Type of Magnetism