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Decades of Damage: Humans Are Contaminating the Baltic Sea With Toxic Metals

NASA hasn’t landed on the Moon in decades—China just sent its third in six years

Big oil spent decades sowing doubt about fossil fuel dangers, experts testify

These Massive, Extinct Salmon Had Spiky Teeth Like a Warthog’s Tusks. For decades, scientists thought the teeth pointed downward, similar to those of a saber-toothed cat, but now they believe the fish’s chompers jutted out sideways.

Decades in the Making: Laser Excites Atomic Nucleus in Groundbreaking Discovery

Atomic nucleus excited with laser: a breakthrough after decades - EurekAlert

A Decades-Long Mystery – Discovery of “Nitroplast” Challenges Modern Textbooks

Professor resolves two decades of oxide semiconductor challenges

POSTECH Professor Yong-Young Noh resolves two decades of oxide semiconductor challenges, which Is published in ... - EurekAlert

Family and media pressure to lose weight in adolescence linked to how people value themselves almost two decades later

Expired Cans of Salmon From Decades Ago Reveal a Big Surprise

Unlocking the Ocean’s Secrets With Four Decades of Canned Salmon

This Ancient Lineage of Cryptic Plants Is Millions of Years Old. They May Be Permanently Gone in Decades.

What four decades of canned salmon reveal about marine food webs

Decades-old Cans of Salmon Reveal Changes in Ocean Health

These plants evolved in Florida millions of years ago: They may be gone in decades

Australia on track for unprecedented, decades-long megadroughts

Decades of research suggest that people with hearing loss as they age are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. A recent study now unpacks one molecular mechanism that seems to play a role.

While social media changes over decades, conversation dynamics stay the same, new study suggests

Paul Alexander, Polio Survivor Who Lived in Iron Lung for 72 Years, Dies age 78