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University of Houston project selected to join $10 million effort to innovate biopharmaceutical manufacturing - EurekAlert

Danforth Center selected as project of a new partnership between NSF and NobleReach Emerge - EurekAlert

Odysseus Lands on the Moon: Earthling Project Joins the Cosmic Journey

Update on Status of NASA’s OSAM-1 Project

Startup plans project to drill for 'million-year' energy source: 'Our technology allows us to access energy anywhere in the world'

Sample Return from the Surface of Venus - At 450°C and 92 atmosphere pressure, the surface of Venus is the most hostile environment to explore in the solar system. This project will pioneer a new approach to return a sample from the surface of Venus

Japan likely to send first astronaut to moon under U.S.-led project

Ghost Particle Unmasked: Project 8’s Neutrino Mass Breakthrough

Decoding the Universe’s Ghost: Project 8 Is Closing In on the Elusive Neutrino

Huge rewilding project will release 2000 white rhinos across Africa

Project FEAST: Webb Space Telescope Captures a Cosmic Whirlpool