
Twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy.

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Dubin-Johnson Syndrome in twins linked to novel genetic mutations - EurekAlert

Huge stars are born as twins, triplets and more, new images confirm

Deformable Mirrors in Space: Key Technology to Directly Image Earth Twins

Double Take: How Twins Are Unlocking the Molecular Mysteries of Obesity

Epigenetic signature for obesity found in study of twins

Astronomers Unravel the Mystery of the Missing Twins in Galactic Center

A study published in the recent issue of the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse has found that twins who reside in legal marijuana states are less likely to experience negative consequences from drinking alcohol as compared to their co-twins who live in states where marijuana is illegal.

Spot the half-lit moon between the Gemini twins Castor and Pollux tonight

Why don’t identical twins have the same fingerprints? New study provides clues

The bright moon meets up with the Gemini twins tonight (Feb. 3)

‘Solar Twins’ Reveal the Consistency of the Universe

These Record-Breaking Twins Are The 'Oldest' Babies Ever Born

New mitochondrial disease identified in identical twins

City digital twins help train deep learning models to separate building facades

Identical Twins Reveal Legalizing Recreational Cannabis Has Increased Frequency of Use by 20%

A Mars-Uranus Rendezvous As Venus Aligns With ‘The Twins:’ What To See In The Night Sky This Week

Texas woman gives birth to rare set of twins conceived one week apart. How is this possible?

Mothers of twins are not more fertile, just lucky

Previous Research Said Mothers of Twins Are More Fertile – Turns Out They Are Just Lucky

A Pair of Twins Grew Up in Different Countries, Then Scientists Compared Them