Twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy.
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Mothers of twins face a higher risk of heart disease in the year after birth
“Eye Opener”: Twins Study Exposing Striking Impact Of Divorce And Bad Diet On The Face Goes Viral
More Twins Are Being Born Even as Birth Rates Are Falling. Here's Why.
Twins Were Typical Among Our Primate Ancestors. What Changed?
World First: Star 'Twins' Discovered Orbiting Milky Way's Black Hole
Where You Live Might Be the Key to Walking More, Says Study of 11,000 Twins
What Scientists Learned About Fitness From Studying 11,000 Twins
Astronomers Solve the Mystery of the Famed Brown Dwarf That is Too Bright: It’s Twins!
Astronomers Solve the Mystery of the Famed Brown Dwarf That is Too Bright: It's Twins!
It’s twins! ‘Brown dwarf’ that perplexed scientists is not one, but two
It's twins! Mystery of famed brown dwarf solved
It's twins! mystery of famed brown dwarf solved - EurekAlert
Earliest Primates Gave Birth to Twins, New Research Suggests
NASA’s Webb Reveals Long-Studied Star Is Actually Twins
Dubin-Johnson Syndrome in twins linked to novel genetic mutations - EurekAlert
Huge stars are born as twins, triplets and more, new images confirm
Deformable Mirrors in Space: Key Technology to Directly Image Earth Twins
Double Take: How Twins Are Unlocking the Molecular Mysteries of Obesity
Epigenetic signature for obesity found in study of twins