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Plumes of pollution from big factories can make it snow

Plastic-eating insect discovered in Kenya. New discovery in the fight against pollution: mealworm larvae that consume polystyrene.

PFAS removal process aims to stamp out pollution ahead of semiconductor industry growth

New PFAS removal process aims to stamp out pollution ahead of semiconductor industry growth - EurekAlert

'The waters become corrupt, the air infected': How the ancient Greeks and Romans viewed pollution and what they did about it

Pollution from rocket launches and burning satellites could cause the next environmental emergency

NASA-Funded Study Assesses Pollution Near Los Angeles-Area Warehouses

Ice cores show pollution's impact on Arctic atmosphere - EurekAlert

Ice cores show pollution's impact on Arctic atmosphere

Turning Pollution Into Profit: The New Chemistry of CO2

Pollution May Affect the Color of City Birds, Research Shows

Lightning Strikes More Often in Skies Full of Pollution, Study Shows

People eating beef are less likely to live near the industry’s pollution, Pitt researchers found - EurekAlert

Pollution affect the growth and behaviour of aquatic organisms - EurekAlert

Pollution affect the growth and behavior of aquatic organisms

Pollution drives families to relocate -- but only the rich can afford to live in healthier areas

California coalition just launched its ‘own damn satellite’ to track pollution — a promise by former Governor Jerry Brown – a philanthropically-backed coalition, including the state, launched its ‘own damn satellite’ to help track dangerous pollutants like methane.

How pollution may remain in water after oil spill cleanups

Researcher receives NASA funding to study ozone pollution - EurekAlert

Researcher finds lithium ion batteries a growing source of pollution