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Why Insects Are Lured to Lights in the Night

Bacterium uses toxin to kill insects

Insects and Other Animals Have Consciousness

Do Insects Have an Inner Life? Animal Consciousness Needs a Rethink

Some scientists say insects are conscious – it doesn't settle anything

Scientists push new paradigm of animal consciousness, saying even insects may be sentient

Discovery of bacterial proteins that induce asexual reproduction in insects - EurekAlert

Air pollution can make insects mate with the wrong species

The sweet stuff: How insects tell sugars apart

Why insects are drawn to artificial light at night

Unraveling the Mystery of Insects Circling Lights at Night

At night, pollution keeps pollinating insects from smelling the flowers

Moths to a Flame: Millennia-Old Mystery About Insects and Light at Night Solved at Last

How seahorse-like toxins kill insects

Why Insects Are Attracted to Light at Night

Millennia-old mystery about insects and light at night gets new explanation. Study finds they turn their back toward the light source because they think it is the brightest thing they know — the sky.

Insects flocking to artificial lights may not know which way is up

Stunning slo-mo videos show how insects survive raindrop collisions

Insects may feel pain, says growing evidence – here’s what this means for animal welfare laws

Mini-robots modeled on insects may be smallest, lightest, fastest ever developed