
The Pittsburgh Penguins (colloquially known as the Pens) are a professional ice hockey team based in Pittsburgh.

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Scientists in Antarctica track ‘baffling’ virus that could decimate penguins and other polar animals

Antarctica's Penguins Could Be Devastated by Avian Influenza

Penguins’ Survival Secrets – Scientists Uncover Bizarre 4-Second Sleep Strategy

Penguins Take Thousands of Naps Every Day

3-Million-Year-Old Fossils Support Zealandian Origin for Smallest Living Penguins

African penguins: Climate refugees from a distant past?

Fossils Reveal Two New Species of Giant Penguins

Penguin physics: Understanding the mechanisms of underwater turning maneuvers in penguins

Climate 'presses' and 'pulses' impact Magellanic penguins -- a marine predator -- with guidance for conservationists

Scientists Gave Penguins a Mirror, And We Have Lots of Questions

Day 23: On Christmas Day, No Rest for the Weary. (Or the Guy Who Feeds the Penguins.)

Adélie penguins show signs of self-awareness on the mirror test

These Punk Rock Penguins Have a Bizarre Breeding Strategy

Emperor penguins join threatened species list, thanks to climate change

Emperor Penguins Are Protected Under the Endangered Species Act

Screaming monkeys, 'headless' penguins and face-planting zebras take top honors in Comedy Wildlife awards

These Penguins Mysteriously Abandon Their First Egg. We Finally Know Why

Why erect-crested penguins reject their first egg and lay a second one

Erect-crested penguins always reject their first egg and lay another

In 'bizarre behavior,' New Zealand penguins lay one egg, reject it, and then lay another. Now, scientists know why.