SwRI collaborates with UTSA to track neurons with machine vision algorithms - EurekAlert
Neurons that tell you to stop eating could unlock obesity treatments
Saving energy is 'in', even neurons are joining in
Scientists Tricked Neurons Into Thinking They’re in a Real Brain
Scientists identify neurons in mice that, once activated, can change body's metabolic rate, induce hibernation-like state
Georgia State scientists identify neurons in - EurekAlert
When muscles work out, they help neurons to grow, a new study shows: « The findings suggest that biochemical and physical effects of exercise could help heal nerves. »
Memories are not only in the brain: « Study shows kidney and nerve tissue cells learn and make memories in ways similar to neurons. »
Obesity affects a staggering 40 percent of adults and 20 percent of children in the United States. Researchers have discovered a previously unknown population of neurons in the hypothalamus that regulate food intake and could be a promising new target for obesity drugs.
Peptide-guided nanoparticles deliver mRNA to neurons - EurekAlert
Peptide-guided nanoparticles deliver mRNA to neurons
The message-sending part of neurons may be blobby, not smooth
Adults grow new brain cells – and these neurons are key to learning by listening
Neurons Don't Look Like We've Long Thought, Controversial Study Says
Beyond Neurons: These Brain Cells Could Change How We Treat Mental Illness
The Power of Small Brain Networks: It only takes four neurons to achieve big things.
When muscles work out, they help neurons to grow.
The findings suggest that biochemical and physical effects of exercise could help heal nerves.
When muscles work out, they help neurons to grow, a new study shows - EurekAlert
The Mystery of How Neurons Control The Brain Has Finally Been Solved
Studies on how star-shaped cells reshape our understanding of memory suggests that these cells play a role in both the formation and storage of memories, challenging the established theory that memories are stored only in our neurons.