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In Case Bird Flu Becomes a Pandemic, Countries Are Preparing

Due to a loophole, the case of a Florida home hit with space debris will set a precedent for future space trash cases. If the house was in Mexico, the U.S. would have to compensate. But this convention “does not apply where national citizens of a launching state suffer damages caused by that state.”

Towards a Post-neoliberal Stabilization Paradigm: Revisiting International Buffer Stocks in an Age of Overlapping Emergencies Based on the Case of Food

First case of Down syndrome in Neanderthals documented in new study

First case of Down syndrome in Neandertals documented in new study - EurekAlert

Absence of Evidence is Not Evidence of Absence: The many flaws in the case against transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of pathogen avoidance in C. elegans (2024)

Scientists Preparing Bird Flu Vaccines For Humans in Case of Pandemic

The Case for MDMA's Approval Is Riddled With Problems

The Case for MDMA’s Approval Is Riddled With Problems

The case for omega-3 supplementation to lower aggression | A new meta-analysis shows that omega-3 supplementation can reduce aggressive behavior across age and gender.

The case of the missing black holes - EurekAlert

The case of the missing black holes

The case of the missing black holes - EurekAlert

Webb Space Telescope Cracks Case of Puffy “Microwaved Marshmallow” Exoplanet

Bird Flu Jumps From Cow to Human in The US: Experts Confirm First Case

The case for sharing carbon storage risk

First case of highly pathogenic avian influenza transmitted from cow to human confirmed

Where Did Butterflies Come From? This Scientist Is On the Case

The case against the "gay gene": researchers predict it's impossible to say anything meaningful about the influence of genetics on sexuality

Researchers learn how electric fish survive in low oxygen streams for months at time: By studying this case of molecular evolution, scientists may find new ways to target tumors.