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Decades-Long Study Shatters Myth: Multivitamins Don’t Lower Death Risk

Recluse Spider Season Is a Myth

DMSO Is Not a Cure-All. But the FDA’s Panic Over It Birthed a Myth.

Debunking the “Ecocide” Myth: The Real Story of Easter Island

Why We Believe the Myth of High Crime Rates

New Research Debunks the Myth That Venting Your Anger Is Effective

Debunking the Myth: Was Spinosaurus Really a “7-Ton Heron From Hell?”

From Myth to Reality: Scientists Uncover Hidden Turtle Paradise in Kerala’s Rivers

Myth Debunked: Syphilis-Like Diseases Were Already Widespread in America Before the Arrival of Columbus

Debunking the Myth: Alcohol, Attraction, and the Illusive Beer Goggles Effect

2,000-Year-Old Bones Undermine Myth About Columbus And Syphilis

Is Your Healthy Food Really Saving the Planet? New Research Debunks the Myth

The Myth of Universal Male Dominance in Primates Challenged by New Study

EuCd2As2: Debunking the Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Myth

Busting the Myth: Air Cleaners Fail To Prevent Sickness, Study Finds

New Research Debunks the Myth of Steady Male Employment

Curly haired ‘woolly dogs’ of the Pacific Northwest were no myth

The Illusion of Understanding: MIT Unmasks the Myth of AI’s Formal Specifications

Scientists Debunk the Myth: Do Trees Really Have Feelings?

Scientific Study Challenges the “Holding Your Liquor” Myth