Moon Dust

Lunar soil is the fine fraction of the regolith found on the surface of the Moon.

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India's Chandrayaan-3 lunar lander barely kicked up any moon dust. Here's why that matters

New realistic computer model will help robots collect Moon dust

Chickpeas grown in moon dust for the first time

NASA supercomputers show how Apollo 12 landing kicked up moon dust (video)

Lunar Highways: How Lasers Can Transform Moon Dust Into Roads

Building Roads Out of Moon Dust

Using a 3D printer and moon dust to make building materials for a lunar subdivision

NASA squeezed oxygen from mock moon dust. It could help astronauts breathe easy one day.

Breathing Moon Dust: NASA’s Breakthrough in Lunar Oxygen Extraction

Scientists blasted Barbies with liquid nitrogen to test a new method of moon dust cleanup — and it worked extremely well

The Solution to Moon Dust: Researchers Develop Groundbreaking Liquid Nitrogen Spray

Moon-dust shield could help fight climate change on Earth

Artemis astronauts may be able to spray away sticky moon dust

Liquid nitrogen spray could clean up stubborn moon dust

Liquid nitrogen spray could clean up stubborn moon dust

Liquid nitrogen spray could clean up stubborn moon dust

Moon dust fired into space could help stop global warming

Mars and Moon Dust can be Turned Into Geopolymer Cement. Good Enough for Landing Pads and Other Structures

Artemis Astronauts Could Rely on Solar Cells Made out of Moon Dust

One Small Sprout - Growing plants in Apollo moon dust is a giant leap forward.