
A drought is a period of drier-than-normal conditions.: 1157  A drought can last for days, months or years.

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Resurrection plants have adapted to survive drought by completely drying out, down to less than 10% water in their tissues. A recent study in Nature Plants identifies one gene family that is consistently duplicated across species that can "resurrect," hinting at an underlying genetic mechanism.

Forest carbon storage has declined across much of the Western U.S., likely due to drought and fire - EurekAlert

Forest carbon storage has declined across much of the Western U.S., likely due to drought and fire

Exemplar-based data generation and leaf-level analysis for phenotyping drought-stressed poplar saplings - EurekAlert

Pear-derived discovery: A genetic mechanism to fortify crops against drought - EurekAlert

Heatwaves and drought quelled La Niña’s carbon storage benefits in 2021

Human activity: A double-edged sword in the face of drought

Human activity: A double-edged sword in the face of drought - EurekAlert

When in drought: Researchers map which parts of the Amazon are most vulnerable to climate change

When in drought: Researchers map which parts of the Amazon are most vulnerable to climate change - EurekAlert

Ecuador Is Literally Powerless in the Face of Drought

How killifish embryos use suspended animation to survive over 8 months of drought - EurekAlert

How killifish embryos use suspended animation to survive over 8 months of drought

Drought in the Cerrado (Neotropical savanna) is the worst for at least seven centuries, study shows - EurekAlert

Roots are a key to drought-tolerant maize

Roots are a key to drought-tolerant maize - EurekAlert

From Drought to Drenched: Stunning Rebound of California’s Largest Reservoir

Morocco's farming revolution: Defying drought with science

Drought That Snarled Panama Canal Was Linked to El Niño, Study Finds

Scientists show ancient village adapted to drought, rising seas