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The importance of integrated therapies on cancer: Silibinin, an old and new molecule - EurekAlert

20-Year-Old Molecular Prediction Comes True – Chemists Have Finally Succeeded in Synthesizing an Unusual and Elusive Molecule

Saarbrücken chemists succeed in synthesizing a molecule first predicted 20 years ago - EurekAlert

Scientists Discover First-of-Its-Kind Molecule That Absorbs Greenhouse Gasses

Molecule can quickly, and briefly, boost white blood cell counts

Just One Molecule Allows Us to See Millions More Colors Than Our Pets

Saturn’s Surprise: NASA Discovers Life-Sparking Energy Source and Molecule at Enceladus

NASA Study Finds Life-Sparking Energy Source and Molecule at Enceladus

NASA Study Finds Life-Sparking Energy Source and Molecule at Enceladus

This Molecule Is a Nanoscale Bulldozer

AI chemist finds molecule to make oxygen on Mars after sifting through millions

'Smart' molecule could tackle microgravity-induced bone loss

Webb finds molecule only made by living things in another world

A Game-Changing Discovery: Scientists Invent Unique Method To Create Better Molecule-Based Magnets

90% Reduction: Scientists Discover Natural Molecule That Eradicates Plaques and Cavities

Breakthrough study reveals new insights into GABA, the brain's key signaling molecule