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Compared to billions of years ago, Venus has almost no water: New study may reveal why

A virus could help save billions of gallons of wastewater produced by fracking

A virus could help save billions of gallons of wastewater produced by fracking - EurekAlert

Forget Billions of Years: Scientists Have Grown Diamonds in Just 150 Minutes

Billions of cicadas are about to emerge from underground in a rare double-brood convergence

Jupiter's moon Io has been a volcanic inferno for billions of years

Can bismuth prevent oil leaks – (and save Norwegians billions)? - EurekAlert

Economist: Tens of billions of dollars in forest products are being overlooked - EurekAlert

Economist: Tens of billions of dollars in forest products are being overlooked

What happened when the moon 'turned itself inside out' billions of years ago?

The Moon Turned Inside Out Billions of Years Ago, Scientists Reveal

Billions of stars have swallowed up a planet

Weird floating crystals can stop stars ageing for billions of years

US Cities Could Be Capturing Billions of Gallons of Rain a Day

Two Giant Structures Have Been Found Billions of Light-Years Away

Astronomers find spark of star birth across billions of years

A universal coronavirus vaccine could save billions of dollars if ready before next pandemic, study suggests

Astronomers Find Spark of Star Birth Across Billions of Years

Better weather forecasts could help billions adapt to climate change

NASA working to solve Voyager 1 computer glitch from billions of miles away | CNN