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Gene linked to learning difficulties has direct impact on learning and memory

How NASA is Hacking Voyager 1 Back to Life | Engineers found space in the geriatric spacecraft’s memory to deal with a stuck bit

Bacteria Living in The Brains of Fruit Flies Have a Surprising Effect on Their Memory

Cognition and Memory after Covid-19 in a Large Community Sample

Unprecedented research probes the relationship between sleep and memory in napping babies and young children - EurekAlert

Immune Cells Carry a Long-Lasting “Memory” of Early-Life Pain

Reimagining Memory: New Research Reveals That Superconducting Loops Mimic the Brain

Immune cells carry a long-lasting 'memory' of early-life pain - EurekAlert

An astronomy club in French Guiana is keeping the memory of Jean Richer alive. In 1672 Richter spent weeks in the Amazon rainforest, staring at the night sky, sending reports to his partner in Paris — Giovanni Cassini — who used Richter's work to estimate the distance to the sun for the first time.

Improved Attention and Memory: Scientists Uncover New Cognitive Benefits of Video Games

Trapped in the middle: billiards with memory - EurekAlert

Trapped in the middle: Billiards with memory

New technique sheds light on memory and learning

Discovery points path to flash-like memory for storing qubits - EurekAlert

Memory of Tuskegee impacted vaccine uptake among Black Americans in the South

Blended antioxidant supplement improves cognition and memory in aged mice

Eating Fatty Food Days Before Surgery May Impair Memory

Chickadees use memory ‘bar codes’ to find their hidden food stashes

The power of neighbors: Neighboring synapses shape learning and memory

Fatty food before surgery may impair memory in old, young adults