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Heart transplant breakthrough as human receives titanium heart for the first time

Biologists discover human-infecting parasite produces sterile soldiers like ants and termites

Human-infecting parasite produces sterile soldiers like ants and termites - EurekAlert

Designing Space Exploration With the Human in Mind

Space balloon company states "human-crewed balloons have been flown using hydrogen...without a single recorded flight incident attributed to hydrogen." What about the Hindenburg?

AI makes human-like reasoning mistakes - EurekAlert

A new neural network makes decisions like a human would

Astronaut and accomplished pilot Joe Engle dies at 91: The first human to reach space three times. He was also the only person to manually fly a space shuttle mission through almost its entire reentry.

Immunogenicity of human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte sheets - EurekAlert

The rate of human-driven global warming is at a record high

NSF CAREER grant to investigate design of fluorescent protein sensors with computer simulations that may aid human ... - EurekAlert

New study finds human-caused nitrous oxide emissions grew 40 percent from 1980-2020, greatly accelerating climate ... - EurekAlert

Huge amounts of bird-flu virus found in raw milk of infected cows. New findings point to the milking process as a possible route of avian-influenza spread between cows — and from cow to human.

Scientists Warn: Rate of Human-Caused Global Warming at All-Time High

Human-caused global warming at all-time high, new report concludes

First in-human investigator-initiated clinical trial to launch for refractory prostate cancer patients - EurekAlert

Bird Flu Jumps to Human From Cow For Second Time in The US

'More Neanderthal than human': How your health may depend on DNA from our long-lost ancestors

Crushing It: Autonomous AI Robot Creates a Shock-Absorbing Shape No Human Ever Could

Alarming Virus Evolution – Scientists Identify First-Ever Mammal-to-Human Bird Flu Case