Heat Dome

District heating (also known as heat networks or teleheating) is a system for distributing heat generated in a centralized location through a system of insulated pipes for residential and commercial heating requirements such as space heating and water heating.

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What Is a Heat Dome? Atmospheric Scientist Explains Why Southern US Is Baking Right Now

Why the Heat Dome Sizzling Texas Won't Budge

Pacific Northwest heat dome tree damage more about temperature than drought, scientists say

Deadly Heat Dome Was a 1-in-10,000-Year Event

What Is a Heat Dome?

Heat dome and other climate events have growing impact on mental health

Devastating 'Heat Dome' Keeps Shattering Extreme Temp Records in North America

'Heat dome' scorches western US with record-breaking temps

Heat Dome Expected To Set All-Time Record Highs In Western U.S. This Week

Remarkable Heatwave Scorches the Middle East – “Heat Dome” Phenomenon