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Hunter-gatherers get less sleep than people in industrial societies

People in industrial societies get more sleep than hunter-gatherers

Prehistoric hunter-gatherers heard the elks painted on rocks 'talking'

Hunter-gatherers built a massive fish trap in Belize 4000 years ago

Genetic legacy of Jomon hunter-gatherers linked to increased BMI in modern Japanese, study finds

Climate Change Influenced Demography of Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers, New Research Reveals

Scientists Uncover Ancient Origin of Cultural and Linguistic Networks of Central African Hunter-Gatherers

Hunter-gatherers kept an 'orderly home' in the earliest known British dwelling

Hunter-gatherers kept an 'orderly home' in the earliest known British dwelling, study shows - EurekAlert

Hunter-Gatherers Settled in Cyprus Thousands of Years Earlier than Previously Thought

Not All Paleolithic Hunter-Gatherers Were Big Into Meat, New Study Reveals

More plants on the menu of ancient hunter-gatherers

More plants on the menu of ancient hunter-gatherers - EurekAlert

The Last of the Hunter-Gatherers: New Study Challenges Theories on Ancient Scandinavian Societies

'Hunter-gatherers must have gazed in horror': What would Toba's supereruption have been like for our ancient relatives?

World's oldest known fort was constructed by hunter-gatherers 8,000 years ago in Siberia

Debunking Myths: Women Were Prehistoric Hunters, Not Just Gatherers

Hunter-Gatherers Were Making Baskets 9,500 Years Ago, Researchers Say

Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers Carved Detailed Human Footprints and Animal Tracks in Namibia

New Research Shatters the Myth of Men As Hunters and Women As Gatherers