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Brain waves measure the effect of anti-alcohol campaigns

A new climate modeling study presents a new scenario of how climate and life on our planet would change in response to a potential future strike of a medium-sized (~500 m) asteroid. The effect is represented by a massive injection of several hundred million tons of dust into the upper atmosphere.

A spintronic view of the effect of chiral molecules

Testing the effect of thousands of compounds on cellular metabolism

Researchers find cholesterol-lowering drugs have no effect on kidney function

Researchers find cholesterol-lowering drugs have no effect on kidney function - EurekAlert

Canceling effect of genetics and environmental changes on bacterial growth

Loneliness linked to ill health through effect on protein levels, research suggests

The effect of long-term administration of gre - EurekAlert

Effect of somatosensory electrical stimulation on hand choice

Effect of somatosensory electrical stimulation on hand choice - EurekAlert

VUMC to study the effect of breathing tube size on breathing, speaking, swallowing - EurekAlert

New drug tested to reduce side effect of 'half-matched' stem cell transplants

Brighter Nights And Darker Days Can Have a Serious Effect on Mortality Risk

Traditional Mayan practices have long promoted unique levels of family harmony: But what effect is globalization having?

Physicist Discovers Strange ‘Hidden’ Effect of Einstein’s Relativity Theory Long Overlooked by Science.

A causal theory for studying the cause-and-effect relationships of genes

Using mathematics to better understand cause and effect - EurekAlert

Using mathematics to better understand cause and effect

2,000-Year-Old Mystery: Scientists Discover Paradoxical Quantum Cooling Effect