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Some brain cells age faster and are more prevalent in Alzheimer's

Innovative 'mini-brains' could revolutionize Alzheimer's treatment

Innovative USask 'mini-brains' could revolutionize Alzheimer's treatment - EurekAlert

Stressful Life Events Linked to Alzheimer's Biomarkers, Study Finds

Immune Cells: A Hidden Trigger for Anxiety, Depression, and Alzheimer’s Disease

Startling Discovery: Young Diabetics Show Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

A Common Sleeping Pill May Reduce Build-Up of Alzheimer's Proteins, Study Finds

FAU researchers receive $1M in FDOH grants to fight Alzheimer's disease - EurekAlert

Researchers identify new genetic form of Alzheimer’s that is present in millions of people: A study involving thousands of patients has found that practically all people with two copies of the APOE4 gene develop biomarkers associated with dementia. Two out of every 100 people carry this variant

Scientists claim to have found another distinct genetic form of Alzheimer’s

New Genetic Form of Alzheimer's Identified in People With Common Risk Factor

Revolutionizing Alzheimer’s Research: Cornell Scientists Develop Groundbreaking Neuron Model

Study reveals APOE4 gene duplication as a new genetic form of Alzheimer's disease - EurekAlert

Scientists Discover Earliest-Yet Alzheimer’s Biomarker

Brain Autopsies Reveal a Potential New Culprit Behind Alzheimer's Disease

Reducing Alzheimer’s Risk by 70%: Columbia Scientists Discover Super Gene

Researchers discover the mechanism that links a diet rich in fats with Alzheimer's disease - EurekAlert

Wake Up and Die: New Brain Cell Discovery Could Unlock Alzheimer’s Secrets

RNA modification is responsible for the disruption of mitochondrial protein synthesis in Alzheimer's disease

RNA modification is responsible for the disruption of mitochondrial protein synthesis in Alzheimer's disease - EurekAlert