
A drought is a period of drier-than-normal conditions.: 1157  A drought can last for days, months or years.

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Drought imperils Zimbabwe’s ancient rock art, spurring efforts to preserve and date it

Two-way water transfers can ensure reliability, save money for urban and agricultural users during drought in Western U.S.

Drought across the U.S., H5N1 in Canada and Uranus Data Reevaluated

Little sign of rain to alleviate drought and wildfire risks in US north-east

Drought, fires and fossil fuels push CO2 emissions to a record high

A Record Number of States Are in Drought

Lithuanian scientists developed a device that measures the impact of drought on plants - EurekAlert

Climate change, drought, dust, and plankton blooms - EurekAlert

Deforestation is partly to blame for Amazon's worst-ever drought

Zimbabwe To Cull 200 Elephants To Feed Its Citizens Amid Drought

Critical crops' alternative way to succeed in heat and drought

Purdue researchers receive additional $95K to develop arthritis treatments, drought-resistant soybeans - EurekAlert

Study reveals urban trees suffer more from heat waves and drought than their rural counterparts

Study reveals urban trees suffer more from heat waves and drought than their rural counterparts - EurekAlert

Impact of drought on drinking water contamination: disparities affecting Latino/a communities - EurekAlert

SERVIR/ResilienceLinks Webinar on “Floods, Drought, and Water Security: How is Water Data Critical to Climate Resilience?”

From genes to jeans: New genetic insights may lead to drought resilient cotton

Resurrection plants have adapted to survive drought by completely drying out, down to less than 10% water in their tissues. A recent study in Nature Plants identifies one gene family that is consistently duplicated across species that can "resurrect," hinting at an underlying genetic mechanism.

Forest carbon storage has declined across much of the Western U.S., likely due to drought and fire - EurekAlert

Forest carbon storage has declined across much of the Western U.S., likely due to drought and fire