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Debate erupts about how to deploy experimental Marburg drugs and vaccines in Rwanda

How Trump and Harris Talked About Climate Change During the Debate

Space telescope data reignite debate over how fast universe is expanding—and whether ‘new physics’ is needed

Can light spark superconductivity? A new study reignites debate

Can leeches leap? New video may help answer that debate

Should humans get their own geologic era? - The debate over the Anthropocene epoch, explained

Yellowstone’s Wolves: A Debate Over Their Role in the Park’s Ecosystem

Geologists reject the Anthropocene as Earth’s new epoch — after 15 years of debate. But some are now challenging the vote, saying there were ‘procedural irregularities’.

Pentagon Report Rules Out UFO Cover-Up, But the Debate Goes On

Pentagon Report Rules Out UFO Cover-Up, But the Debate Goes On

The Debate Continues. Do Wide Binaries Prove or Disprove MOND?

The Debate Continues. Do Wide Binaries Prove or Disprove MOND?

A Psychologist Settles The ‘Night Owl’ Versus ‘Early Lark’ Debate

Dwarf planet Eris is 'squishier' than expected. Eris is about the size of Pluto but around 50% farther from the sun. The discovery of Eris in the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune in 2005 prompted the debate that ultimately reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet.

Volcanoes or Asteroid? AI Ends Debate Over Dinosaur Extinction Event

Cat Vs. Dog Owners: Who Is Happier? A Psychologist Settles The Debate

Where Does Consciousness Start? Debate Is Heating Up Over Some of The Leading Theories

False news outlets, bots and inauthentic hyperpartisan accounts contributed to social media chatter during the first Republican presidential debate according to new technology developed by researcher which analysed almost one million posts and key hashtags generated around it

At Debate, Republican Presidential Candidates Tout Fossil Fuels, Vow to Undo Biden's Climate Initiatives