Earth's crust is peeling away under California — A section of the upper mantle and crust under the Sierra Nevada mountains is peeling away, in a process that may mimic how the continents were formed.
Earth's Crust May Be Peeling Away Deep Beneath California
Scientists discover 'sunken worlds' hidden deep within Earth's mantle that shouldn't be there. These anomalies are surprisingly similar to sunken chunks of Earth's crust but appear in seemingly impossible places.
Seismic image of the crust and upper mantle b - EurekAlert
Nearby Dwarf Planet Could Have a Crust That's 90% Water
Earth’s Crust Is Dripping? An Underground Anomaly Is Causing Turkey’s Konya Basin To Sink
Strange Discovery Finds Earth's Crust 'Dripping' Into The Planet's Belly
Geoscientists confirm 'dripping' of Earth’s crust beneath Türkiye's Central Anatolian Plateau - EurekAlert
Mid-Crust of Mars May Contain ‘Oceans of Liquid Water’
Geologists' Record-Breaking Drill Into Earth's Crust Reveals Mantle Secrets
Recent volcanic 'fires' in Iceland triggered by storage and melting in crust
Recent volcanic ‘Fires’ in Iceland triggered by storage and melting in the crust - EurekAlert
Boiling rocks from Earth's crust tore an ocean into Mongolia 410 million years ago
Challenging Previous Theory: Mantle Heat Rejuvenated Earth’s Crust 3 Billion Years Ago
March-April 2024: The Next Full Moon is the Crow, Crust, Sap, Sugar, or Worm Moon
3.75 Billion Year Old – Scientists Discover Evidence of an Ancient Segment of Earth’s Crust
Earth's Crust Flipped Upside Down After 'Nosediving' Beneath The Mediterranean
An Icy Moon of Saturn May Be Hiding a Vast Ocean Under Its Crust, Surprising Astronomers
Ocean Found Under The Earth's Crust
Meteorite Reveals The Young Moon's Crust Held Far More Water Than We Ever Realized