
Greenmantle is the second of five novels by John Buchan featuring the character Richard Hannay.

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How the Moon's mantle may have formed after the proto-planet Theia smashed into Earth

Deep Earth Discovery: Fragments of Ancient Planet Found in Mantle

Mysterious Lumps in Earth’s Mantle May Be Remains of the Crash That Formed the Moon

Scientists think they’ve found remnants of Theia within the Earth's mantle

Strange blobs in Earth’s mantle are relics of a massive collision | Impact with a body called Theia 4.5 billion years ago left remnants deep inside Earth — and also created the Moon.

Rock from the impact that formed the moon may linger in Earth’s mantle

Scientists Detect Traces of an Ancient Alien World Beneath Earth's Mantle

Bits of an ancient planet called Theia may be buried in Earth’s mantle

Moon-Sized Impacts: The Secret Behind Gold & Platinum in Earth’s Mantle?

After 60 Years of Trying, Geologists Finally Pried Rocks From Earth's Upper Mantle

Scientists extract a kilometer of rock from Earth's mantle in record-breaking mission

In a geologic triumph, scientists drill a window into Earth’s mantle

At long last, ocean drillers exhume a bounty of rocks from Earth’s mantle

Rooftop solar set to take mantle as 'Australia's biggest power source' as coal woes hasten

Deep earthquakes could reveal secrets of the Earth's mantle

'Mars' interior is not behaving,' active mantle plume reveals

Marsquakes, recent volcanism suggest Mars still has a mantle plume | Elysium Planitia may be best explained by the same process that powers Yellowstone.

Planetary Scientists Find Evidence for Active Mantle Plume on Mars

Surprising Martian Discovery: Massive Mantle Plume Pushing the Surface of Mars Upward

Giant mantle plume reveals Mars is more active than previously thought