
The bonobo (; Pan paniscus), also historically called the pygmy chimpanzee (less often the dwarf chimpanzee or gracile chimpanzee), is an endangered great ape and one of the two species making up the genus Pan (the other being the common chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes).

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Study: In Chimpanzees, Urinations Are Contagious

In chimpanzees, peeing is contagious

In chimpanzees, peeing is contagious - EurekAlert

In chimpanzees, peeing is contagious - EurekAlert

Chimpanzees Pee Together: Unraveling the Social Secret Behind Their Bathroom Breaks

In chimpanzees, peeing is contagious

Chimpanzees are genetically adapted to local habitats and infections such as malaria - EurekAlert

Chimpanzees are genetically adapted to local habitats and infections such as malaria

Are Chimpanzees Developing Culture Like Humans? Groundbreaking Study Says Yes

Chimpanzees perform the same complex behaviors that have brought humans success

Chimpanzees perform the same complex behaviors that have brought humans success - EurekAlert

Chimpanzees Crack the Code to Human Evolution

Chimpanzees seem to get more technologically advanced through culture

Friendly social behaviors are contagious for chimpanzees - EurekAlert

Chimpanzees perform better on challenging computer tasks when they have an audience

Chimpanzees perform better on challenging computer tasks when they have an audience - EurekAlert

Chimpanzees will never randomly type the complete works of Shakespeare

Birth: It’s a tight squeeze for chimpanzees, too - EurekAlert

Birth: It's a tight squeeze for chimpanzees, too

Astonishing Videos Capture Chimpanzees Saying Actual Human Words