News at a glance: Oldest continuous ice core, formaldehyde’s risks, and building Africa’s science workforce

In Africa, Danger Slithers Through Homes and Fields

In Africa, Danger Slithers Through Homes and Fields

New strontium isotope map of Sub-Saharan Africa is a powerful tool for archaeology, forensics, and wildlife conservation

Africa: Better roads promote greater dietary diversity

Africa: Better roads promote greater dietary diversity - EurekAlert

Genes linked to deadly parasites' spread beyond Africa identified

Fossil discovery suggests humans originated in Europe, not Africa

Oldest Human Genomes Reveal How a Small Group Burst Out of Africa

Magic mushrooms found in Africa are a species new to science

How Space Reveals the Hidden Brilliance of Southern Africa

Sun unleashes surprise X-class solar flare triggering radio blackout over southern Africa (video)

Visiting Fellows selected for inaugural cohort of the Africa-UBC Oceans and Fisheries Visiting Fellows Program - EurekAlert

Animal products improve child nutrition in Africa - EurekAlert

Animal products improve child nutrition in Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa leads global HIV decline

Pando, the world's largest organism, may have been growing nonstop since the 1st humans left Africa, study suggests

Plastic-Eating Insect Discovered in Kenya Is The First of Its Kind in Africa

In Africa, a geologist hunts for rifts that are tearing the continent apart

One Super Predator in Africa Instills Even More Fear Than Lions