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News at a glance: Oldest continuous ice core, formaldehyde’s risks, and building Africa’s science workforce
In Africa, Danger Slithers Through Homes and Fields
New strontium isotope map of Sub-Saharan Africa is a powerful tool for archaeology, forensics, and wildlife conservation
Africa: Better roads promote greater dietary diversity
Africa: Better roads promote greater dietary diversity - EurekAlert
Genes linked to deadly parasites' spread beyond Africa identified
Fossil discovery suggests humans originated in Europe, not Africa
Oldest Human Genomes Reveal How a Small Group Burst Out of Africa
Magic mushrooms found in Africa are a species new to science
How Space Reveals the Hidden Brilliance of Southern Africa
Sun unleashes surprise X-class solar flare triggering radio blackout over southern Africa (video)
Visiting Fellows selected for inaugural cohort of the Africa-UBC Oceans and Fisheries Visiting Fellows Program - EurekAlert
Animal products improve child nutrition in Africa - EurekAlert
Animal products improve child nutrition in Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa leads global HIV decline
Pando, the world's largest organism, may have been growing nonstop since the 1st humans left Africa, study suggests
Plastic-Eating Insect Discovered in Kenya Is The First of Its Kind in Africa
In Africa, a geologist hunts for rifts that are tearing the continent apart
One Super Predator in Africa Instills Even More Fear Than Lions