New Clues in the Fever Mystery: What’s Making Millions Sick in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Fearsome Hyena-Like Mammals Lived in Africa 30 Million Years Ago

Rewriting History: New Discovery Reveals Hominins Left Africa 200,000 Years Earlier Than We Thought

Africa’s Mountain Farmers Sound the Alarm: Climate Change Is Reshaping Their World

New study unravels the history of the largest pastoral population in Africa - EurekAlert

Causes of fevers of unknown origin in sub-Saharan Africa

As of yesterday the odds that the asteroid "2024 YR4" will impact Earth have increased to 1 in 42. The asteroid is estimated at 130 to 330 feet long, and would impact on December 22nd, 2032. The risk corridor crosses parts of India, sub-Saharan Africa, the Atlantic Ocean and Northern South America.

Out of Africa: celebrating 100 years of human-origins research

Pause on U.S. Funding Spreads Fear of H.I.V. Spike Across Africa

Over 400 gold and silver Roman-era coins unearthed in the Netherlands depict rulers from Rome, Britain and Africa

A $35 Billion Loan Project, Led by World Bank, Aims to Expand Electricity in Africa

Ancient humans evolved new blood types after leaving Africa

News at a glance: Oldest continuous ice core, formaldehyde’s risks, and building Africa’s science workforce

In Africa, Danger Slithers Through Homes and Fields

In Africa, Danger Slithers Through Homes and Fields

New strontium isotope map of Sub-Saharan Africa is a powerful tool for archaeology, forensics, and wildlife conservation

Africa: Better roads promote greater dietary diversity

Africa: Better roads promote greater dietary diversity - EurekAlert

Genes linked to deadly parasites' spread beyond Africa identified

Fossil discovery suggests humans originated in Europe, not Africa