NTU Singapore scientists develop strong yet reusable adhesive from smart materials - EurekAlert

NTU Singapore, ExxonMobil and A*STAR launch S$60 million corporate lab for low carbon solutions - EurekAlert

NTU Singapore researchers develop a method to extract useful proteins from beer-brewing leftovers - EurekAlert

NTU Singapore scientists grow ‘mini kidneys,’ - EurekAlert

A team of scientists from NTU Singapore and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, US, has developed a ‘smart’ food packaging material that is biodegradable, sustainable and kills microbes that are harmful to humans. It could also extend the shelf-life of fresh fruit by two to three days.

Scientists from NTU Singapore developed a plant-based emulsifier that is rich in protein and antioxidants. It has the necessary properties to replace eggs or dairy in food staples such as mayonnaise, salad dressings, and whipped cream.

NTU Singapore scientists develop tougher, safer bicycle helmets using new plastic material

NTU Singapore converts tamarind shells into an energy source for vehicles

NTU Singapore study highlights media's important role in debunking COVID-19 misinformation

Vertical greenery can act as a stress buffer, NTU Singapore study finds

NTU Singapore scientists turn aquaculture waste into new biomaterial for tissue repair

Study led by NTU Singapore finds that microbes work as a network in causing lung infection

NTU Singapore scientists invent catheter system to deliver electricity-activated glue path

NTU Singapore study investigates link between COVID-19 and risk of blood clot formation

NTU Singapore scientists design 'smart' device to harvest daylight

NTU Singapore scientists develop antibacterial gel bandage using durian husk

NTU Singapore scientists develop device to 'communicate' with plants using electrical signals

NTU Singapore team develops portable device that creates 3D images of skin in 10 minutes

NTU Singapore develops oral insulin nanoparticles that could be an alternative to jabs

NTU Singapore study suggests link between word choices and extraverts