Top news for December 21, 2008

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People Have Very Different Understandings of Even the Simplest Words

Why Does the Same Temperature Feel Hotter or Colder in Different Places?

Why Do Women Have More Autoimmune Diseases? Study Points to X Chromosome

Forgotten Electrical Engineer's Work Paved the Way for Radar Technology

A Shape-Shifting Plastic With a Flexible Future

New Study: 12% of Older Adults Now Use Cannabis

The Future of Weight Loss? New Vibrating Pill Developed by MIT Reduces Food Intake by 40%

Several Bizarre Visual Symptoms Shown to Be a Strong Predictor For Alzheimer's

In a Creepy Twist, One of The Oldest Tombs in Sweden Is Missing All of Its Skulls

Scientists Find Mysterious, Oozing Black Eggs Almost 4 Miles Below The Ocean's Surface