Top news for December 21, 2008

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With Harsh Anti-L.G.B.T.Q. Law, Uganda Risks a Health Crisis

The Heart Surgery That Isn’t as Safe for Older Women

Berish Strauch, Path Breaker in Reconstructive Surgery, Dies at 90

Women Still Typically Outlive Men, But That Gender Gap Is Slowly Closing

New Research Challenges the Commonly Held View That Opioids Are the Most Powerful Pain Relievers

Major News: Water Ice Buried at Mars' Equator is Over 2 Miles Thick

Screen Time Could Have a Surprising Effect on Our Children's Ability to Process Sensations

Unlocking the Secrets of Love – Neuroscientists Have Identified the “Chemical Imprint of Desire”

New Evidence Highlights a Serious Flaw in Our Perception of Autism

Do We Have Quantum Brains? 'Irrational' Behavior Follows Strange Rules