Top news for December 21, 2008

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Solar eclipse 2024: Live updates

The Stanley Cup Lead Scare Is Not Something to Worry About, Experts Say

Should We Send Humans to Mars?

How Did Life Get Started on Earth? Atmospheric Haze Might Have Been the Key

Measles Cases Soaring Worldwide as WHO Reports Alarming 45-Fold Rise in Europe

Titan’s Mysterious “Magic Islands” – Honeycombed Hydrocarbon Icebergs on Saturn’s Largest Moon

Calcium Overdose – Scientists Develop New Method To Kill Cancer Cells

Black Holes Are Missing in the Early Universe – But Scientists Are on the Hunt

Experts Confirm: US Is Dealing With an 'Out-of-Control' STI Epidemic

Cygnus Orbits Toward Space Station As Crews Conduct Biomedical Science and Physics Research