Top news for December 21, 2008

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On This Day In Space: Nov. 18, 2013: NASA launches MAVEN orbiter to Mars

Robert Malone’s New Claims About Seasonal Flu Vaccines, Manufacturing, And Markets

#COVIDIsAirborne #BringBackMasks Trend, Questioning CDC Director’s Tweet on Covid-19 Precautions

NASA Will Launch ‘Psyche’ Mission To Explore Asteroid Worth More Than The Global Economy

Heat Batters The Economy, Unanswered Questions About Tesla Semi And Pollution-Killing Houseplants

Why Are There So Many Black Wolves In Yellowstone?

NASA Webb Pillars Of Creation Images Offer Astronomers Much More Than Pretty Pictures

A Dormant Volcano By An Alaska City May Be Waking Up After Centuries Of Sleep

A Psychologist Offers 3 Tips To Tackle Being ‘Dragged’ On Social Media

Is New Senate GOP Covid-19 Pandemic Origin Report More About Politics Than Science?