
ETH Zurich (English: ETH; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich; German: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich) is a public research university in Zürich, Switzerland.

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The world standard telescope for Sun monitoring is set by a 2.4" refracting telescope at the Zurich Observatory in Switzerland. Anything larger will reveal too many sunspots that will skew the actual total

Zurich's historic observatory constructed in 1907 houses a restaurant and exclusive bar. Because of its downtown location and light pollution, observations are limited to the moon, planets and bright celestial objects

One more clue to the Moon’s origin - Re­search­ers from ETH Zurich dis­cover the first defin­it­ive proof that the Moon in­her­ited in­di­gen­ous noble gases from the Earth’s mantle.

Dozens Injured by Hot Coals at Company Event in Zurich