
A zoom lens is a mechanical assembly of lens elements for which the focal length (and thus angle of view) can be varied, as opposed to a fixed-focal-length (FFL) lens (see prime lens).

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Not sure how to stand out as a leader on Zoom calls? It starts with how you communicate, new study shows - EurekAlert

No Zoom: How Hubble’s Fixed Focus Captures the Vast Universe

Watch 'horned' comet 12P/Pons-Brooks zoom past the Andromeda Galaxy live today (video)

It's Not All in Your Head--You Do Focus Differently on Zoom

Zoom vs Reality – Scientists Uncover Astonishing Differences in Brain Activity

Zoom Time May Be Linked to Discontent with One's Own Appearance

AI can hear what you're typing over Zoom with 93 per cent accuracy

Watch a house-size asteroid zoom past Earth live on June 25

Europe's BepiColombo spacecraft to zoom within 150 miles of Mercury in close flyby today

USC Researchers Zoom Into the Human Genome With Unprecedented Resolution

Researcher uses mammal DNA to zoom into the human genome with unprecedented resolution

Zoom in on Mars like never before with this epic 3D map of the Red Planet

Large asteroid to zoom between Earth and Moon

Watch skyscraper-sized asteroid zoom near Earth tonight (March 25) in free livestream

NASA: Several large asteroids projected to zoom past Earth this week

Big asteroid to zoom by Earth on Wednesday

Here's a side-project I have been working on - a real-time 3D satellite tracking web app! 24k+ satellites from space-track.org, max fps & optimized performance! Move, zoom & select sats for info & orbit visualization. And more to come. A must-try for space fans!

Watch an SUV-sized asteroid zoom by Earth in close shave flyby in this time-lapse video

'Extraordinarily Close' Asteroid About to Zoom Past Earth, NASA Says

Near-Earth asteroid 2023 BU to zoom past Earth at unprecedented proximity, NASA confirms