New fungal species named in honour of Sir David Attenborough making zombies of cave spiders on the island of Ireland - EurekAlert
Brain-altering parasite turns ants into zombies at dawn and dusk
Mechanisms of Mind Control: Brain-Altering Parasite Turns Ants Into Zombies at Dawn and Dusk
Fungi don’t turn humans into zombies. But The Last of Us gets some science right
The Fossil Record Of ‘Fungal Zombies’
Turning Cells Into “Zombies”: Scientists Identify the Secret That Allowed a Parasite To Infect 30% of Humans
Zombies abound in nature: Viruses and parasites can cause real-world zombification
How Zombies Can Help Prevent the Next Pandemic
The Americans Who Believe In UFOs, Big Foot, Zombies, Ghosts, Telekenesis, The Lost City Of Atlantis, And Other Supernatural, Paranormal, Mythological, And Generally Unusual Phenomena