young people

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Social media can be used to increase fruit and vegetable intake in young people

More Young People Than Ever Will Get Colorectal Cancer This Year

Research identifies characteristics of cities that would support young people's mental health

Puberty makes teenagers’ armpits smell of cheese, goat and urine, say scientists | Young people

The hunt is on to learn why bowel cancer in young people is rising

It's not just you: Young people look, feel older when they're stressed

Cancer in young people is rising and 2023 saw a plan to figure out why

Drugs like Wegovy Can Fix Teenage Obesity, but Young People Don’t Get Them

Parental engagement positively associated with safer driving among young people, UGR study finds

Multinational study confirms association between CT scans in young people and increased risk of cancer

It turns out that one of the most effective ways to make young people reduce speed and improve their overall driver safety is not through technology, but through good old-fashioned, verbal feedback