year study

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Here’s how ultra-processed foods actually change your lifespan - major new study. Ultra-processed food is probably bad for you – but a 30-year study suggests it may not be as harmful as previously thought.

The Hidden Dangers of Breakfast Foods and Sugary Drinks: 30-Year Study Reveals Long-Term Health Risks

The Science of Sleep: 10-Year Study Unlocks the Secret to Overcoming Insomnia

Three-Year Study of Young Stars with NASA’s Hubble Enters New Chapter

Twenty-year study confirms California forests are healthier when burned — or thinned

Twenty-year study confirms California forests are healthier when burned -- or thinned

12-Year Study Reveals How The Mediterranean Diet Might Affect Your Brain

Social-behavioral findings can be highly replicable, six-year study by four labs suggests

In Peru, a 20-year study charted Amazon forests—and revealed how warming has changed them

20-Year Study Reveals: Neanderthals Were As Intelligent as Homo sapiens