
Oyster is the common name for a number of different families of salt-water bivalve molluscs that live in marine or brackish habitats.

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Hubble Captures the Expanding Ghost of a 10,000-Year-Old Supernova

These 22,000-Year-Old Drag Marks Could Be Oldest Evidence of a Handcart

22,000-year-old tracks are earliest evidence of transport vehicles

Croesus stater: The 2,500-year-old coin that introduced the gold standard

750-Year-Old Forgotten Plague Outbreaks: New Study Challenges Timeline of the Black Death’s Arrival

500-Year-Old Transylvanian Diaries Expose Brutal Reality of the Little Ice Age

Fossil Jackpot! 500,000-Year-Old Ice Age Graveyard Discovered in Florida River

18,000-Year-Old Human Bones Show Disturbing Signs of Cannibalism

3,500-Year-Old Pharaoh's Tomb Found in Egypt Is First Since Tutankhamun's

30 Million Year Old 'Beast of Egypt' Reveals Lost Dynasty of Mega-Predators

120-Million-Year-Old Fossils in Australia Just Rewrote Dinosaur Evolution

Earth had new, temporary radiation rings last year

No increase in grain dust explosion incidents last year, decrease in injuries

No increase in dust explosion incidents last year, decrease in injuries - EurekAlert

Surprising 16-year-long ADHD study reveals opposite of what researchers expected

30-Million-Year-Old Hypercarnivore Skull 'Dream Find' For Paleontologists

A 69-Million-Year Evolutionary Mystery: Scientists Discover Oldest Modern Bird

Ancient Skull Unearthed in Egypt Reveals a 30-Million-Year-Old Apex Predator

NIH Research Grants Lag Behind Last Year’s by $1 Billion

New study in Nature finds no such thing as natural immunity to covid after the arrival of omicron. Pre-omicron, infection provided 80% protection against re-infection one year later. This falls to under 5% at one year with omicron