
Worms is a series of artillery tactical video games developed by British company Team17.

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Woman's Mysterious Burning Feet Traced to Worms in Her Brain

Scientists Unveil Worms’ Hidden Chemistry – A Breakthrough in Evolutionary Biology

Worms at Chernobyl Appear Mysteriously Unscathed by Radiation

Here’s how long it would take 100 worms to eat the plastic in one face mask

Common Plastic Chemical Can Wreak Havoc on The Sex Cells of Worms

Worms and snails handle the pressure 2,500m below the Pacific surface

Regenerating Deep-Sea Worms Harness Live-In Algae as They Split into Three

Can we live on worms alone? Probably not, find scientists

Worms in Chernobyl Zone Appear Mysteriously Unscathed by Radiation

How worms shaped Earth's biodiversity explosion

An unlikely hero in evolution: Worms

Bar-Ilan University researchers develop innovative platform for modeling human muscle diseases in worms - EurekAlert

No Two Worms Are Alike – New Findings Challenge Chronobiology

Unlocking the 'chain of worms'

Unlocking the 'chain of worms' - EurekAlert

No two worms are alike - EurekAlert

Worms living near Chernobyl have developed a new 'superpower,' scientists say

Scientists Discover That Worms May Have “Emotions”

New drug-like molecule extends lifespan, ameliorates pathology in worms and boosts function in mammalian muscle cells

New mollusk and crustacean species in symbiosis with worms in dead coral rocks