working memory

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How humans learn to optimize working memory

Largest Study Ever Done on Cannabis and Brain Function Finds Impact on Working Memory

Largest study ever done on cannabis and brain function finds impact on working memory - EurekAlert

Probiotic supplements may improve working memory

Study Finds Marijuana and THC Improve Working Memory in Aging

New research has found that older adults who regularly participated in mentally challenging activities, such as reading or puzzles, maintained higher levels of memory, working memory, attention, and processing speed over several years compared to those who were less active in these areas.

Pupil Dilation Reveals Better Working Memory

'Mathematical microscope' reveals novel, energy-efficient mechanism of working memory that works even during sleep

Unlocking Brain Secrets: Scientists Discover Link Between Pupil Size and Working Memory

Workings of working memory detailed

Employees keep home distractions at bay by using their working memory. University of Michigan research highlights the role of working memory—an ability to hold and manipulate information simultaneously in one’s mind—as it relates to family life affecting one’s job performance.

Formal musical training appears to strengthen the link between working memory and creativity

Study examines role of working memory, cognitive functions in English learners learning to write