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Dogs can match some words with objects, study suggests

We asked over 50 women space leaders for words of inspiration. Here's what they told us

Your dog understands that some words 'stand for' objects

Dogs really do understand that words stand for objects

Dogs know words for their favorite toys

Hearing relaxing words in your sleep slows your heart down

Words Etched Into an Ancient Bronze Hand Hint at the Mysterious Origins of the Basque Language

How do babies learn words? An AI experiment may hold clues

A Camera-Wearing Baby Taught an AI to Learn Words

Baby’s First Words on Hold: The Alarming Acetaminophen Connection Uncovered

A new study finds that the number of words in the US federal tax code has swollen by 70% since the 1990s, and is currently more than 4 million words; Americans now spend about 1.5 billion hours a year filing their tax returns.

How Does Your Brain Remember and Retrieve Words?

Colorful Consequences: How “Blue” and “Green” Appeared in a Language That Didn’t Have Words for Them

How 'blue' and 'green' appeared in a language that didn't have words for them

Study: All Languages around the World Have Words for ‘This’ and ‘That’

Why all languages have words for 'this' and 'that'

Scientists in Germany found out a way to write words in liquid water

How To ‘Find Your Words’ When Fighting With Your Partner