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Reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone helped entire ecosystem thrive, 20-year study finds. The finding shows how the return or loss of apex predators can affect every part of the food web.

Wolves in Scotland Could Help Reduce Carbon in The Sky. Here's How.

Reintroducing wolves to Scottish Highlands could help address climate emergency

Reintroducing wolves to Scottish Highlands could help address climate emergency, study suggests

Conservation Efforts Save Pandas, Wolves and Panthers from Extinction

Wolves may be pollinators as well as predators, study suggests

Scientists Discover Wolves Mimicking Bees in an Incredible New First

Wolves Like a Little Nectar Treat and May Pollinate Flowers in the Process

High survival rates explain 20 years of rapid expansion of wolves in Germany - EurekAlert

High survival rates explain 20 years of rapid expansion of wolves in Germany

Predation, not fear of wolves, keeps elk from denuding Yellowstone

Wolves' return has had only small impact on deer populations in NE Washington

Wolves’ return has had only small impact on deer populations in NE Washington, study shows - EurekAlert

Wolves reintroduced to Isle Royale temporarily affect other carnivores, humans have influence as well

Wolves reintroduced to Isle Royale temporarily affect other carnivores, humans have influence as well - EurekAlert

Wolves Vanished Across America, And We're Still Uncovering The Damage

Something Strange Happens to Wolves Infected by an Infamous Mind-Altering Parasite

Yellowstone’s Wolves: A Debate Over Their Role in the Park’s Ecosystem

Something Strange Happens to Wolves Infected by Infamous Mind-Altering Parasite

Wolves and elk are (mostly) welcome back in Poland and Germany's Oder Delta region, survey shows