
A window is an opening in a wall, door, roof, or vehicle that allows the exchange of light and may also allow the passage of sound and sometimes air.

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Windows that cool themselves could cut AC costs

Heart-shaped mollusc has windows that work like fibre optics

Io’s Volcanoes are Windows into its Hot Interior

Io's Volcanoes are Windows into its Hot Interior

Io's Volcanoes are Windows into its Hot Interior

Introducing SandAI: A tool for scanning sand grains that opens windows into recent time and the deep past - EurekAlert

Electrochromic films -- like sunglasses for your windows?

Electrochromic films — like sunglasses for your windows? - EurekAlert

Sunglasses for Your Windows: Chameleon Coatings for Smarter, Cooler Living Spaces

Vikings had windows, another shift away from their image as barbaric Norsemen, Danish museum says

Perovskite Solar Cells Double as Windows and Walls. Panasonic's semi-transparent panels could be on the market within 5 years.

Material would allow users to 'tune' windows to block targeted wavelengths of light

Windows Installed in Skulls Help Doctors Study Damaged Brains

You think patching Windows is a pain? Try patching a Mars rover millions of miles away

Windows filled with see-through wood layer help hold in heat

Squid skin inspires novel “liquid windows” for greater energy savings. Bio-inspired system optimizes wavelength, intensity, dispersion of light reaching interiors.

Researchers Create Squid-Inspired ‘Liquid Windows’

Get a Windows 11 laptop for $129 in this huge Walmart holiday deal

Student laptop deals 2022: Save big with these Windows and MacBook deals

Scientists Reveal Why You Should Clean Your Dirty Windows