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New Rules to Overhaul Electric Grids Could Boost Wind and Solar Power

Scientists harness the wind as a tool to move objects

Giant rogue waves: Southern Ocean expedition reveals wind as key cause - EurekAlert

Heat, cold extremes hold untapped potential for solar and wind energy

Sap beetles vs wind: What pollinates screw pines?

Understanding wind and water at the equator key to more accurate future climate projections

Powerful answers to energy questions may be blowing in the wind

Scientists Develop Literal “Power Plants” That Harness Energy From Wind and Rain

Microplastics from natural fertilizers are blowing in the wind more often than once thought

Artificial 'power plants' harness energy from wind and rain

Planetesimals Are Buffeted by Wind in their Nebula, Throwing Debris into Space

The Falcon 9 booster B1058 landed, but tipped over due to wind and high waves when returning to port. B1058 launched Crew Dragon Demo-2 to the ISS in 2020.

Here’s what happens when the sun’s ‘wind’ disappears near Earth and Mars

'Energy droughts' in wind and solar can last nearly a week

how far can the wind can carry a plant's seeds? New model

Egypt's Iconic Sphinx May Have Begun as Natural Carving by the Wind

The Great Sphinx of Giza may have been blown into shape by the wind

How countries can go fossil fuel free with wind and solar superpowers