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Synthetic Biology Breakthrough Paves the Way for Cheaper Vaccines

The way whales communicate is closer to human language than we realized

Breakthrough paves the way for next generation of vision implants

Breakthrough paves the way for next generation of vision implants - EurekAlert

New Harvard Technology Paves the Way for Advanced Machine Vision

Chinese satellites are breaking the US 'monopoly' on long-range targeting. China “has rapidly advanced in space in a way that few people can appreciate,” Space Force official says.

SpaceX's Crew-8 astronauts move Dragon at the ISS to make way for Boeing's Starliner

New and improved way to grow the cells that give rise to the kidney's filtration system

USC-led study introduces a new and improved way to grow the cells that give rise to the kidney's filtration system - EurekAlert

Paper Power: Origami Technology Makes its Way into Quadcopters - EurekAlert

Mystery of Embedded Engine Noise Unraveled – New Research Paves the Way for Silent Skies

We can’t eradicate deadly cane toads – but there’s a way to stop them killing wildlife

There Really Is Something Strikingly Malicious in The Way Cocaine Rewards Our Brains

Illusion helps demystify the way vision works

NASA’s ORCA, AirHARP Projects Paved Way for PACE to Reach Space

Russia vetoes UN vote on stopping arms race in outer space. Leading the way for their development of a space-based, anti-satellite nuclear weapon.

Unveiling immune features of heart failure paves the way for targeted therapies - EurekAlert

A Golden Age of Renewables Is Beginning, and California Is Leading the Way

Researchers develop way to provide asthma attack early warnings - EurekAlert

Antibiotic Breakthrough: Revolutionary Chinese Study Paves Way for Superbug Defeating Drugs