Non revenue water (NRW) is water that has been produced and is "lost" before it reaches the customer.
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OpenET: Balancing Water Supply and Demand in the West
These tadpoles have discovered a unique way of not contaminating their water supply: Not pooping
Moon Dust Could Contaminate Lunar Explorers’ Water Supply
Arizona Limits Construction Around Phoenix as Its Water Supply Dwindles
Spring sunny heat waves caused record snow melt in 2021, adding to severe water supply impacts across the Western US
Preserving A Forest Helps Protect A Colombian City’s Water Supply
Mapping Honduras' water supply
How Atlantic air alters India's food and water supply
How can England secure its water supply as droughts get more frequent?
How can the UK secure its water supply as droughts get more frequent?
Himalayan Glaciers Melting at “Exceptional Rate” – Water Supply for Millions of People Threatened