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A virus could help save billions of gallons of wastewater produced by fracking

A virus could help save billions of gallons of wastewater produced by fracking - EurekAlert

Cleaning up toxic dyes in wastewater with gold nanoparticles

Making wastewater less acidic could help the ocean capture more carbon

A Virus Found in Wastewater Beat Back a Woman’s ‘Zombie’ Bacteria

As cities grow, how will city trash, wastewater, and emissions rise?

The Opioid Crisis Is Now Being Tracked with Wastewater

Generating Green Energy From Wastewater With AI-Enhanced Micromotors

Do or dye: Synthetic colors in wastewater pose a threat to food chains worldwide

Liquid Gold: Transforming Wastewater Into Valuable Chemicals With Sunlight

Titanium oxide material can remove toxic dyes from wastewater

Wastewater detects signs of antimicrobial resistance in aged care facilities

Gene Transfer Tug-of-War: Wastewater’s Role in “Superbug” Pathogen Evolution

Bacteria generate electricity from wastewater

Hybrid catalyst produces critical fertilizer and cleans wastewater

Generating Electricity From Wastewater – Bioengineered Bacteria Produce Power

Bacteria generate electricity from wastewater